Oh my gosh!!!
So much to tell. There are so many people I have met, and there are still plenty more to meet. I feel so proud of myself for remembering everybodys name because thats something ive been working on. Usually im good at remembering faces but not names, so its good.
I was in San Jose and Ciudad Colon until the 13th. I was part of the beginning stages of a teaching campaign that just got started and it was a blast!! I got to make friends with the youth in the city and more community members. Now I can´t wait to go to the city once in a while to be with them.
August 13th
I got to meet Mateen (my partner in crime....and service). We rode the bus with Parviz and Ann Ighani (our hosts)to Conte (8hour drive). met many Guaymis there established a good first start. Mateen and I unloaded our luggage and put in rice sacks so we could carry our stuff on the horses. Don Jesus is the man! he´s a local who helped us. We took two horses up (Pinto and Mora). I guided Pinto. The walk was amazing and very stimulating to the mind. A lot of mud, rain, steep inclines, locals, noises, dinosaurs, river crossings and breathtaking views. 10 minutes close to home, we were walking on a 2 foot wide trail and then a 10 foot deep crevice next to us. It was night time by now and slipery....I tried to lead pinto as far away from the crevice, but as i was doing that, he fell into the ditch. Bobre modo (poor horse. in Ngabere(Guaymi language)).
well there is so much more to talk about, but Mateen and I have to go to Laurel before we miss the bus.
Hermano! Wow! He estado muy pendiente de tus blogs, y me alegra ver que pudiste poner otro. Super descriptivo tu blog, me hizo imaginarme con detalle tu ida a progreso con los caballos. tqm y siempre estas en mi corazoncito.
Hola hermanillo! Que chevere tu aventura! Y que bueno que pudiste ver dinosaurios en Jurassic Park. Hablando de JP, me acuerdo cuando los lleve a cine una vez, y estaba super lleno y nos sentamos en el piso.
En fin, me enorgullece ser tu hermana. Eres una persona super especial, espiritual y servicial. Te quiero muchisimo.
Mateo te manda muchos besitos. Esta creciendo dia a dia.
Te quiero muchisimo y te mantendre en mis oraciones.
Danny. Me encanto leer de tus aventuras. Lei tu post en voz alta para que Josh tambien pudiera saber de vos. Aqui estaremos al tanto de tus mensajitos. te quiero mucho.
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