Continuation of Awesomeness...

My schedule is finally forming and shaping. Thursdays I have a pre youth group early in the morning and then we go down to Conte (the bottom of the mountain) eat lunch, do some planning, have a book 2 study circle, have a pre youth class, then a devotional gathering at 6 and then help this girl named Katia with her English homework. Friday morning we take the bus to Paso Canoas which is the border with Panama and do grocery shopping and internet, mail, anything like that. Then we go back to Conte to plan for a children´s class that is an hour´s walk to La Escuadra and then I tutor another book 2, walk back and tutor a book 1 and study Conozcamos la Fe Bahai with some adults. Spend the night again at Conte and then Saturday morning walk up the mountain to the Bahai Center to do a Pre Youth Class with German (Herman) and then another pre youth class in Brazo Izquierdo. So the activity is amazing. I love it!
I´ve learned to apply organization skills, unity skills, observation skills, listening, etc. basically a whole bunch of ¨sweet skills¨
Yesterday Parviz woke Mateen and I up saying that there was a snake in their room and asked if we wanted to kill it. Immediately we wake up and grab some machetes and Parviz knocked it down with a stick and paralyzed it and then Mateen and I went for the kill. It´s length is my height if not longer. We video taped it too although not all the action is caught on tape, so someday it´ll be released in theatres near you.
Stay tuned!!
Mataste una culebra!!! Que tal la aventura. Parece que tus dias son bien ocupados. Que chevere. Y que tal te llevas con los otros dos jovenes?
Te quiero y te extrano mucho.
hmm.. tanto tanto... que bien! ve, osea q' tenes cuatro clases prejuveniles, tres circulos de estudio y una clase de ninos? que rico danny. bueno, y como es la comida de los ticos? has comido mucho gallo pinto?
tqm hermano! y me haces falta!
Danny, sounds like you're having fun with snakes and horses. It's great that you're able to concentrate your time on core activities. Keep it up. And thanks for keeping us informed.
que chevere Danny. me encanta leer sobre tus aventuras. que bueno que ya tenes tantes actividades basicas con las que podes ayudar - total, con solo unos meses y ya te encontraste con una culebra? me suena excelente y como dicen por aca "par for the course". estas en mis oraciones.
Hey Danny Boy- waking up with a snake is nothing... the other morning Katherin and I walked into the kitchen and on the floor there was a ... cockroach!! Eww... so we grabbed our machetes, and well, you know how we take care of cockroaches in Atlanta. Hehe, jk. That's unbelievable about the snake man. Katherin's telling me not to focus so much on the snake, and more on the service! Your service sounds incredible as well! Love, your bro Na'im
Hala Daniel me da mucho gusto saber lo feliz que estas, con todas esas aventuras, y haciendo el sevicio que haces. Eres gran ejemplo y un orgullo para tus padres.
Cuidate mucho.
carinos Consuelo
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