Surprise-Surprise!!!--Last Days in Costa Rica and back to Georgia
7 months....
....7 MONTHS!!!!!.....
It has been 7 months since I step foot in the land of peaches.
The original plan was to stay in Costa Rica for about 11 why 7 then?...I got accepted to Georgia State University and I will be applying for the Music College and to enter I have to audition March 17th for Jazz Bass, and majoring in Music Recording Technology and Management.
How can 7 months of a life be so fruitful?
I learned how to love my human family. I have traveled to different places in the world, and lived in South, Central, and North America. This has helped me have an open heart to situations, adjustments, difficulties, challenges, etc. But I went through a different experience being able to live with the Ngabe indigenous people of Central America.
The Baha'i Faith speaks of one God, world unity, one world family, equality between men and women, union of races and cultures, having a universal governing body, having one universal language, the harmony of science and religion, the balance between nature and technology, the noble station of the human being above the animal, that there is a spiritual solution to economic problems, independent investigation of the truth, and progressive Revelation of God's message therefore the Promised One of All Ages being here for this age.
Where am I going with this?...
I have believed in this my whole life, but it wasn't until these past 7-8 months that I have internalized it and noticed the wisdom behind these teachings and the urgency with which they have to be taken and perceived.
Living with the Ngabe indigenous made me realize how the Baha'i Faith really is for the unity of mankind. I could see this with my own eyes. The actions taken or the situations in the lives of my indigenous Ngabe family in Costa Rica and Panama, is affecting and will affect YOUR life and YOUR family...yes YOU reading this blog. That means that YOUR actions taken and the situations in YOUR life, are affecting and will affect my indigenous Ngabe family. This is true for EVERY single human being in all existence, for our family in Uganda, Argentina, Bulgaria, Mongolia, Austria, Uruguay, El Salvador, Estonia, Indonesia and everywhere else.
Now...we can't just be tolerant of all these other cultures and races nor "be content with showing friendship in words alone" we need to "let [our] heart[s] burn with loving kindness for all who may cross [our] path." We need to realize the importance of a kindly tongue, chaste eyes, faithful hands, patience, reverence in all activity, love and unity.
I realized that whatever actions I took in Costa Rica, wouldn't just affect Costa Rica, they would affect the world, and the same goes for being here in Georgia or anywhere else. How can we center our lives around ourselves, and make decisions based on self, while we could make them based on the betterment of the world, the unity of mankind and our love for God. In doing this, then our lives will come together, will balance out if it's in accordance with God's Will.
Now I hope to continue serving mankind being here in Atlanta. I can't do this by myself either, I would love to do it with you.
These days I will be concentrating a lot on practicing the bass because of these auditions coming up, but also I will be having some gatherings at my house to share some experiences and learnings. You are invited.
Thank you for joining me in this experience I have had in Costa Rica, and hopefully we can continue doing this for the rest of our lives anywhere we are. I appreciate the comments people have made and the feedback that I have gotten. This blog was just a form of my expression and communication with you. There is still a lot more to share. I would love to hear about any of your experiences and attempts in the betterment of this world.
Thank You!
and MUCH LOVE!!!!
-Nido Daniel Badi Rinaldi
Que chevere. Me encanto este post, Danny. Me alegra que estes sintiendote asi con tus estudios por delante. Este Plan de 5 años si que nos ha dado lo que necesitabamos para mover la Fe, no?
un abrazote! Leila
Hey Daniel!
I read you entry about Costa Rica and I am also planning on doing a year of service. Because i can't find any information on any projects in Costa Rica i thought maybe you could help me out? maybe you can tell me where you went and where you found it.
Hope hearing from you soon,
greetings Lilly
Hi Lilly,
I'm happy to hear about your interest in going to Costa Rica. The best way would be to go through the National Assembly's pioneer office.
What area do you live in currently? I can give you the contact information for your region. ex. SE USA, NE USA, etc.
much love,
-Daniel Badi
Also Lilly,
you can send me your email and we can continue the exchange through email.
My email adress is
Well i am actually from austria but maybe i can contace them anyways?!
much love,
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